Ecological analysis in diplomacy, geopolitics and international cooperation: Driving accountability for social impact
The Chrysanthus Centre for Future-Oriented Studies Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
International Journal of Frontline Research in Multidisciplinary Studies, 2022, 01(01), 022–034.
Article DOI: 10.56355/ijfrms.2022.1.1.0030
Publication history:
Received on 05 April 2022; revised on 07 June 2022; accepted on 10 June 2022
It is not essentially the objective of this paper to elaborately (re)construct the salient spheres of diplomacy, geopolitics and international cooperation as they impact on civilization, rather it is a presentation regarding the essential disparities of inter alia scarce resources, military efforts, trade, and transboundary realizations of pollutants and irritants into the biosphere. Due to the multidimensional origin of environmental perturbations, although, with its ingrained complexity, it has become necessary to inculcate all pertinent concerns in decision making locally and globally. The levels of significant risk factors and social decision-making continue to undergo diverse alterations in several countries with their attendant geopolitics, gain-of-function research in biosecurity, environment, and health which necessitate international cooperation for peaceful coexistence within and across borders. A proper understanding of the cumulative impact of these changes in erstwhile, current and future trends is vital to harness and curb environmental disasters in vulnerable ecosystem cadastres, emerging and reemerging communicable and noncommunicable diseases or disorders.
Foreign policy; Transboundary; Biodiversity; Climate change
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