The role of computed tomography in diagnosis of patients with chest trauma
Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Research Article
International Journal of Frontline Research in Life Science, 2023, 02(01), 033–042.
Article DOI: 10.56355/ijfrls.2023.2.1.0046
Publication history:
Received on 03 November 2023; revised on 23 December 2023; accepted on 26 December 2023
Purpose: Chest traumas are a significant cause of mortality and morbidity. The purpose of this article is to present the place of CT in the diagnosis of chest trauma patients.
Methods and Materials: Multi detector computed tomography (MDCT) is considered to be the most effective imaging method in trauma patients. Its advantages include high speed and high geometric resolution at any plane. The method allows us to view large parts of the body with minimal motion artifacts and to create accurate multiplane reformations. One hundred and twelve patients are examined at the Emergency department. The injuries of the chest and intrathoracic organs are found. The research method is discussed by imaging diagnosticians and clinicians with a view to using the most informative diagnostic method in each individual case. Of course, informed consent is also taken from the patients. The MDCT machine are used predominantly in these patients.
Results: One hundred and twelve patients are examined at the Emergency department in purpose to evaluate chest lesions. MDCT allows us to view diagnosis significantly more accurate procedure. The injuries of the chest and intrathoracic organs are found. In 56 (50%) of all 112 patients included in the study, fractures of the ribs are the most common traumas. Also fracture of the scapula, sternum, extra pleural hematomas, pneumothorax, hemothorax, pulmonary contusions, laceration of trachea and bronchi, rupture of esophagus, diaphragmatic rupture and injuries of blood vessels are established.
Conclusion: We present our experience in imaging diagnosis and behavior in poly trauma patients in conditions of emergency. MDCT must be used as first necessary investigation a procedure which allows us to view diagnosis significantly more accurate than other imaging methods.
Computed tomography; Thorax; Penetrating trauma; Traumatic injuries; Emergency patients
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